Assess Me Linky!

I am linking up with The Tattooed Teacher for a little "getting to know you" linky! Enjoy! And if you want to play along, click the link above to visit her blog!

My first Monday Made-it on a Thursday...

Just a quick update for everyone... My husband and I have decided that regardless of what happens with his Air Force career, we will be moving back to Orlando on SATURDAY! That just means that if my husband does get reassigned, he will have to commute to work (at least for this first year). So, that means I AM teaching 6th grade math which I am just thrilled about! Anyway, I have been doing lots of packing and cleaning and trying to do some classroom prep stuff in between that and taking care of my 7 month old. Needless to say, I still have A LOT to do. But, I am excited to be doing my first Monday Made-it linky party because this linky party is one of the very things that inspired me to start blogging!!! :) Here goes nothing....

My first Made-it is a No Name papers board for my classroom wall. I am so excited about it because I was able to find a use for these super cute clothespins I got from the Target Dollar Spot a couple of weeks ago. The board is actually a piece of Balsa wood from Michaels measuring 4in. x 36in. I thought this size would give me space to put several papers and the Balsa wood is so light that I will be able to hang this board using 3M velcro strips.

My First TpT product!

Hey all! Just a quick post to let you know I posted my first thing on TpT it's a decimals math embedded assessment using a real-life football scenario! Perfect way to get those pre-teen boys engaged!!!! I'm really excited about it and since it's a freebie, I would love for you to download it and give some honest feedback. That way... I can continue making products that maybe others will enjoy and use!!!! 

My TpT store is: Math with Mrs D

Working on my followers

So, today, I did my first scope on periscope. Which I feel went horribly... But if you want to check it out my handle is @mathwithmrsd.

I am also trying to get my blog onto bloglovin, so that I can start gaining some followers!

I have an instagram up and running at @mathwithmrsd and a twitter account by the same handle!

Finally, my new Facebook page is Math with Mrs. D and my TpT store is Math with Mrs D. Wow! This whole blog felt really repetitive!!! Sorry guys!!!! 

Please share these and follow me! I promise to get more interesting as I get going!!!


 <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Feeling Overwhelmed...

Ok, so.... I am feeling really excited, but really overwhelmed and confused about teaching 6th grade math. It has ALWAYS been my dream, so I feel like I really want to succeed in it. However, I have wayyyyyy too many ideas floating around my head and I am finding it hard to focus (which isn't good considering school starts in about a month). Here is my number 1 problem... What do I want my classroom to be like? Well, I have tossed around the ideas of a flipped classroom, math workshop, and layered curriculum. Although I love the idea of math workshop and am familiar with it because I used reading workshop in 2nd grade, I am leaning more towards a mix of the flipped classroom and layered curriculum.

Here is what I know:

1) I want the majority of my classroom time to be for the students to practice and get to use the math while they have access to me and other students for help.

2) I want to use interactive notebooks because I believe they really help students connect and understand concepts, if used appropriately. (Again, used them in 2nd grade so I am comfortable with them and scared of change!)

3) I LOVE the idea of layered curriculum. If you haven't heard of it before or don't know much about it, I highly suggest this book. It is a quick and easy read, but it BLEW my mind when I read it.

Here is what I don't know (yet...):

1) Can I combine a flipped classroom and a layered curriculum and make it work?

2) Am I trying to do too much?

3) I don't have the knowledge or the technology to make my own videos yet for a flipped classroom, but is it lame or wrong to use other peoples' videos for now? (Until I get going enough to make my own...)

4) Am I going to lose my mind over the next 4 weeks trying to decide how to run my dream classroom?

Stay tuned to find out....

If you have any experience with a flipped classroom, interactive notebooks in middle school math, or layered curriculum, PLEASE comment and share your experiences with me. I could really use the help and insight. :)

Starting this new adventure

Hi everyone! (Actually, I'm not sure if anyone will actually read this blog or not, but I feel it needed a nice welcome!) I am a 2nd year teacher making a huge jump from 2nd grade last year to 6th grade math this year. 6th grade math has always been my dream and I am SO excited to begin teaching it this year. I just hope I love it as much as I think I will. Anyway, along with starting a new position this year, I have a bunch of other new things going on as well. We are moving from South Carolina to Florida (but because of Common Core, I'm already familiar with how the standards work - Thank goodness!), I am starting a new teaching blog (obviously!), and I am considering starting a TpT store if I can fit it all on my plate! 

I am going to use this blog as a hodgepodge of many different things pertaining to my classroom, curriculum, and just teaching in general. I'd love to hear from all of you in the comments with advice on blogging, MS teaching, Math teaching, or whatever your heart desires! (Thanks in advance!) So, here's to new beginnings....